The laughter has a good influence for our body. When you watch the smile of the person, do not you soften your heart? When you laughed good and hard, do not you feel fine at a feeling? I think the laughter is the best gift to the human being from god. The laughter lets a person relieve. Furthermore, our feeling calms down, too. In addition, it is said that there is an effect in “the activation of the brain” to laugh. We can do abdominal respiration naturally by laughing. Oxygen is gone around in a brain by it, and it leads to the activation of the brain.
The laughter has a good influence for our body. When you watch the smile of the person, do not you soften your heart? When you laughed good and hard, do not you feel fine at a feeling? I think the laughter is the best gift to the human being from god. The laughter lets a person relieve. Furthermore, our feeling calms down, too. In addition, it is said that there is an effect in “the activation of the brain” to laugh. We can do abdominal respiration naturally by laughing. Oxygen is gone around in a brain by it, and it leads to the activation of the brain.
:) This is first, THE FUNNY SHORT MOVIE OF DOGS. There are many dogs and they are funny and very cute!
:P This is second, SIMPLE ITEM. In this web site, there are very interesting sentence. You must laugh!
3 件のコメント:
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Your blog is so cute!!It is easy to read because of using good colors. I like these article.Especially.I like the last one.I cannnot help laughing!!In my opinion,you should change Japanese of the left side to English.
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