

I'd like to talk about Montmartre Grape Harvest Festival.

Do you know Montmartre? Montmartre is located in France. The hill in Montmartre is a bustle in second weekend in October every year. It is held Grape Harvest Festival. There are concerts and fanfare and refreshment booths of special product thing of various places, tasting of wine and stuff. It is not only Grape Harvest Festival but also an event that it can experience the culture of the whole of France. The racket continues for three days. There were 300,000 visitors or more last year. Montmartre Grape Harvest Festival faces the 75th times in this year. It is a festival with a long history.

Halloween :) !!!

I’d like to talk about Halloween.
You know, Halloween is an event which held in October 31st. Children dress up and say “Trick or Treat!” and visit everyone’s house. Adults make sweets of pumpkins and hand out them to visiting children.
The theme of Halloween is the eerie one and is frightened including death, immortal monster and black magic. Characters which related Halloween are ghosts, witches, black cats, banshee, goblins, zombies, devils, Vampires and Frankenstein. The house is decorated with these symbols at time before and behind Halloween. Black and orange are traditional colors of Halloween. “Jack-o’-lantern” is the symbol that seems to be Halloween. It is an orange pumpkin that cut eyes, a nose and a mouth in a pumpkin, put a candle into it. However, after the 1990’s, it was not treated so much. Recently, the pretty one tends to be liked.
It mainly became known in Ireland, Britain, America, Canada, Puerto Rico, New Zealand and a part of Australia. In Japan, this event was known as an event that children in America held through the movie of the United States. However, the example of the general doing in Japan was rare before the 1980’s. These past few years, the chance that Japanese touch Halloween is increased in Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo Disney SEA and Universal Studio Japan. So the upsurge similar to Christmas is shown centering on the shop in Kanto region.